picture fritzConsistency trough concentration on existing markets and customers

All companies belong to Austroplast International concentrate on markets with already long-time existent customer relation ship that can build upon: Amongst others in the manufacturing industry. Austrotool produces both, serial products as well as customized high-tech solution.

New market potential through intensive Research & development as well as Cross Engineering

The Austrotool center of technology and innovation management develops close-to-the-market product ideas. The focus is set on extension of product range by combination of technological process and materials for generating new, unique products.

Synergy via industrial partnerships

In order to secure on optimal technology transfer which complements the existing product and service range as best as possible, Austrotool maintains industrial partnerships. It is our target to act as all-in-one supplier in all market segments, offering solutions that work.

Flexibility trough global presence

Our multinational employees in six international locations Austrotool are global active and dispose of close project partnership and well establishment business relations. Competent support and quick, world wide service are significant components of Austrotool product range.